Glenshee Snowsports Centre

Phone: 013397 41320


General enquiries


Cairnwell, Braemar
AB35 5XU,

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Your Contact Details

Please be aware that bookings can only deal with booking enquiries and info with general enquires, and the will be answered as soon as possible but we have a large amount coming through each day so please give us a couple of days.

If you are looking for refunds please reply to your booking confirmation email and these will be dealt with , only email once as we will look for the date of the email regarding refunds for the 24hour notice that is required.

If you have an urgent query please put urgent in with the subject box or phone

Open for Snowsports

For Tuesday 21st Jan

We will have the Plastic, half the DinkDink and the Rope tow open for snowsports.

Thin in places but improving.

Sorry no snow for sledging


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